
Archive | Boomer and Senior News

Care Managers Step In When Others Can’t

It’s a sad fact that as we age, our ability to take care of ourselves diminishes. Some people may need only a little help throughout the week, perhaps assistance driving to the grocery store or doctor’s appointments. Others need daily care. And in addition to household management, help with personal needs and medication, some people […]

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Camille Ronzio Encourages Education, Strong Families, Art

Camille Ronzio’s volunteer work is a natural outgrowth of her career. She retired in 2003 from teaching high school home economics. “At the end of my career they called it Family and Consumer Science,” she says. It was a field that underwent numerous changes over the decades, and encompassed many more aspects than just what […]

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Caring Hand to Mouth Makes a Difference Through Dental Care

According to the American Dental Association, two thirds of Americans are able to obtain regular dental care. For the remaining third, which is nearly 106 million people, a variety of reasons may keep them from ever seeing a dentist. According to ADA, the people who may never see a dentist are racial and ethnic minorities, […]

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