Tony Ngo and James Ngo (no relation) are long-time friends with families here in Eugene. They opened the Da Nang food cart last May and named it after the city in central Vietnam where both of their families are from.
Archive | Eugene Weekly: Chow
Makoto Japanese Restaurant in Eugene
A new restaurant has opened in downtown Eugene, nestled near the domineering Capstone buildings  Makoto, Japanese for “truth” or “honesty,” isn’t located far from a handful of other sushi and Japanese restaurants in the area. But Makoto plans to do things differently.
Party Downtown Chefs Focused on Local, Sustainable Cooking
Party Downtown’s Tiffany Norton and Mark Kosmicki seem to be the ideal couple to turn their love of food into restaurant ownership. Growing along with the appreciation of food they found together was awareness of the social and environmental impact of food production.