An OSU Extension Service horticulturist says his top five veggies are radishes, beets, bush beans, Swiss chard and cherry tomatoes.
Archive | Gardening
Homestyle weed, bug remedies
Pesticides exist and get used because of one simple reason: They work. About 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides are applied in the United States every year. Anyone leery of chemical pesticides should consider alternatives, such as natural homemade pest control.
Sweet Potato Success in the Willamette Valley
Sweet potatoes are one of the most popular vegetables today and though many Americans enjoy eating sweet potatoes, most don’t attempt to grow them, especially not in the mild, wet wilds of the Willamette Valley. Master gardener Gary Jordan is on a mission to change that.
A Barrage of Blueberries
Blueberries are a tasty and healthy addition to any homestead. But cultivating patience may be the most important aspect of growing them. Blueberries have specific needs and take eight years to become fully mature, but under the right growing conditions the plant can live for up to 50 years.
Add Color & Flavor with Peppers
Peppers of any kindâ€â€whether you like the world’s tiniest and hottest or the crunchy, sweet onesâ€â€are a great addition to your garden. In the Willamette Valley’s fairly short growing season, however, peppers take some advance planning and care to grow successfully.
Incredible Edibles – Planning a Kitchen Garden
With the arrival of spring comes a whole new set of challenges and opportunities in the garden. Now is the right time to get a kitchen herb garden and some cold-hardy plants started in containers, which are easy to move inside should frost return.
Swap Seeds, Graft a Fruit Tree
Gardeners can learn about seeds and grafting at the volunteer-run Spring Propagation Fair March 28-29 at the Head Start/Whiteaker School in Eugene and help themselves to the event’s free seed and scion swap.
Small Gardens, Lush Ideas
What do you see when you close your eyes and visualize your ideal small garden? In her five Lane County Home & Garden Show presentations, Melinda Myers will endeavor to help you answer that question and impart the knowledge to make it happen.
Gardening when Seasons Shift
After spending time on your yard and garden during the long and bountiful summer months, it may be tempting to toss your work gloves aside and consider your outdoor chores finished for the year. While there are some tasks that can be checked off, now is the time for planting, prep for the coming year […]
Time to Save Heirloom Seeds
Deppe earned a biology degree from Harvard, but she came of age when it was difficult for women to be hired as university faculty, and uncomfortable for them if they were hired. She got a job, but rather than research genetics, Deppe turned to agriculture, and has since done original research with nothing more than […]