Vein Therapy News – July/August 2018: Anticipation was high for many members of the phlebology community going into an April 21 closed-door research summit held alongside the International Vein Congress in Miami, convened to discuss how to make the most of the American College of Phlebology’s Patient Recorded Outcome Venous Registry, or PRO Venous Registry.
Archive | Health and Wellness
Queens of Weight Loss
Local members of TOPS, a weight loss support group, celebrate each others’ successes. Mary Phillips has lost more than 100 pounds.
Homestyle weed, bug remedies
Pesticides exist and get used because of one simple reason: They work. About 1.2 billion pounds of pesticides are applied in the United States every year. Anyone leery of chemical pesticides should consider alternatives, such as natural homemade pest control.
Dr. John Haines: Eyes of the World
Dr. John Haines, a Eugene ophthalmologist at Oregon Eye Center, was motivated to enter the medical field because he wanted to make a real difference in the world. He has traveled around the world providing sight-saving surgeries and offers the latest eye surgery treatments right here in Eugene.
Do You Need Joint Replacement?
Joint replacement, along with organ transplants, is one of the greatest medical advancements we’ve made. Surgeons today can take a damaged or arthritic joint and replace it, decreasing pain and increasing function in the ankle, elbow, knee, hip or anywhere two bones are connected.
Say What? Advances in Hearing Loss Technology
Having to turn down the volume on a squealing hearing aid was an uncomfortable fact of life for many people with hearing lossâ€â€these devices were in no way discreet. Thankfully, hearing aid technology has advanced significantly within the last 10 years.
Care Managers Step In When Others Can’t
It’s a sad fact that as we age, our ability to take care of ourselves diminishes. Some people may need only a little help throughout the week, perhaps assistance driving to the grocery store or doctor’s appointments. Others need daily care. And in addition to household management, help with personal needs and medication, some people […]
Hit the Bull’s Eye With Archery
Does the thought of archery conjure images of Robin Hood’s classic longbow? High-tech carbon fiber compound bows for the modern hunter? The recurve bow, for Olympic-style target shooting? In Eugene, the answer can be all of the above, as options for many different types of archery programs abound here
Naomi Feil’s Listening with Empathy
Naomi Feil has devoted her entire career to the advancement of care for our aging populations. She is the developer of a technique called Validation Training, which is a method of communication with very old people who are also very disoriented from dementia and related illnesses.
Ultimate Fitness Offers Personal Training For All Your Health Goals
Ultimate Fitness, tucked away in a plaza on Coburg Road, might sound like the name of a gym, but it’s not. There’s no membership fees, no loud rock music or competitive posturing. Ultimate Fitness owner Kathy Stewart-Bronson works one-on-one with people by appointment only, and offers massage along with personalized workouts to help people recover […]