Mirage Hair Systems is tucked into an out-of-the-way wing on the second floor of Oakway Center. Anyone wanting a hair cut or color could walk in and possibly not even be aware that there was a private room in the back with highly sophisticated equipment for scalp analysis and prosthetics.
Archive | Health and Wellness
Caring Hand to Mouth Makes a Difference Through Dental Care
According to the American Dental Association, two thirds of Americans are able to obtain regular dental care. For the remaining third, which is nearly 106 million people, a variety of reasons may keep them from ever seeing a dentist. According to ADA, the people who may never see a dentist are racial and ethnic minorities, […]
Project Lifesaver Lane County
Project Lifesaver is a GPS-based tracking device for seniors or children with disabilities who wander away from their caregivers.
Finding Happiness
Choosing to be happy takes a little bit of effort. It may even take a lot of effort, but no one else can do it for you, and you already know just what you need better than anyone else.
Coping With Miscarriage
Deena and Matthew Crandall met in 1987 through a mutual friend. They dated and married 22 years ago, and like most young couples, anticipated parenthood. Deena endured two miscarriages, however, before realizing that she could not have children. This grief, powerful though it was — and in truth, still is — helps the couple counsel […]
Yoga Studios in Eugene – Moving Towards Stillness
Two local women profiled in this story each left their busy lives behind to become fitness instructors and find healthier balance in their own lives.
Downsizing Your Home in Later Life
Throughout most of our lives, moves come with a sense of “pregnant anticipation,” explains Diane Masarie, owner of Move-In Comfort. There’s a sense of moving on to something bigger and better—moving to college, moving into your first home, moving into a bigger home when children arrive, moving to a nicer home. But when seniors move, […]
The Joys of Learning in Retirement
Perhaps your college years ended long ago. Still, that’s no reason to stop cracking open the books. The difference between learning during your early life and learning later on is that you don’t have to worry about grades, homework or pulling all-nighters cramming for exams. Learning in retirement is just for the fun of it.
Downward Dog – Doing Yoga With Your Pet
Suman Barkhas puts a twist on the traditional yoga practice. For him, downward-facing dog is not just for humans anymore. Suman has taught yoga and tai chi in Eugene for 10 years, so when he noticed his dog, Jaya, doing what looked like yoga poses, he encouraged it.
Strength Training For Women, Minus the Bikinis and Body Oil
It’s a sad fact that muscle mass diminishes with age, but strength training can help to reverse this process, no matter how old you are when you start. Many women that exercise spend more time on cardiovascular exercise and less time using resistance or weights. Perhaps this is due to a perception that women will […]