Marilena Christie, 68, uses her Northern Italian family recipe for the chocolates, and says she started selling them only after numerous people told her she should make it available to the world.
Archive | Register-Guard
Veggie Starts to Finish
An OSU Extension Service horticulturist says his top five veggies are radishes, beets, bush beans, Swiss chard and cherry tomatoes.
Better Bitters, Better Cocktails  And Beyond
Bitters, originally prepared as medicines incorporating strong-smelling botanicals such as cinnamon, cloves and herbs, make delicious cocktails. Their uses go far beyond just drinks, though.
Fun Just Ahead, All Around the Bend Area
Whether you’re from Central Oregon or not, when you’re posted in or around Bend there’s no limit to recreational opportunities  even if you’re not among the throngs headed to Mount Bachelor’s nearby slopes for winter or summer mountain sports.
Balloon, Kite Festivals Color Oregon Skies
May kicks off a season of high-flying enjoyment of both balloons and kites, with festivals across the region.
Superfood Delivers Sweet Reward
An electuary refers to medicinal herbs–in this case, cannabis oil–mixed with honey. It also speaks to the ancient relationship that humans have with honey.
Plants With Medicinal Intent
When Adam Jacques of Eugene looks at his cannabis plants, he doesn’t see the federal government’s Schedule 1 drug. He sees medicine.
Where Do the Heirlooms Go?
Family disputes over personal belongings don’t have to happen. We share two expert’s opinions about how to prevent sticky situations arising around who gets what personal items.
Take Stock and Stay Calm
The U.S. stock market’s recent volatility seems significant, and yet, according to Eugene financial planners, the correction is right in line and completely normal. Experts share their advice for riding it out.
Wills, Trusts and Big Decisions
Wills and revocable living trusts are both common terms in estate planning. Both apply to distributing assets, but the two documents, although they are sometimes related, serve very different purposes.