Seniors are among the most vulnerable population when it comes to fraud. They’re trusting, kind and generous, which can get them in trouble if they don’t know the warning signs of common scams.
Archive | Seniors
Sponsors Mentoring Program
If you are the kind of person that enjoys visiting coffee shops for conversation, attending symphony concerts or going on hikes, then those kinds of activities probably seem like a normal part of life to you. But for the people that receive help through Sponsors, Inc., these activities seem anything but normal.
How Will You Divide Your Heirlooms?
When it comes to estate planning, families often focus on financial assets. But it’s often personal possessions — items with more sentimental value, perhaps, than monetary — that are the most difficult to talk about. This painful process of deciding who gets what after someone dies can be made easier through planning ahead.
Retirement and Estate Planning
You’re never too young — or too old, for that matter — to get your affairs in order with the help of an estate-planning attorney. It’s certainly not a fun topic, but a necessary one, as estate planning is the only way to be sure a property will be transferred to your loved ones and/or […]